About Us

We’re Jobsfldr (part of the Jobsspotter Commercial entity), and we’re here to help you find a job without any hassle.

We’re all about helping people find their dream job, whether that’s your first gig after college or a new position at your current company. Our platform makes it easy for you to connect with employers who are looking for exactly what you can offer, so you can get back to doing what you love: working hard, making an impact on the world around you, and getting paid for it! We believe that a simple and easy-to-use search tool is the first step toward making finding a job less stressful and more effective. You shouldn’t have to dig through hundreds of irrelevant jobs just to get to the ones that are right for you. We’ve designed our system to be user-friendly, quick, and intuitive so that you can find what you want without having to jump through hoops or fill out long applications.

If you have any questions or feedback about how we can improve our service, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Our team is always happy to hear from our usersβ€”just head over here: https://go.jobsfldr.com/contact/